Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Export Opportunities Wed at 9am @ Detroit College

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From: Mark Lang <MLang1@wcccd.edu>
Date: Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 12:15 PM
Subject: Export Opportunities Wed at 9am
To: "Maghi, Sue" <suemaghi@aol.com>, "Manlove, Nicole" <nichole.manlove@wayne.edu>, "Marshall, Joshua" <ung45@yahoo.com>, "Mason, Pam" <pmason1632@yahoo.com>, "Maupin, Mark" <maupin.mark@gmail.com>, "May, Gregory" <greggmay1@yahoo.com>, "Mayfield, Shanika" <mss.mayfield@yahoo.com>, "Mayo, Cassie" <cassiemayo07@gmail.com>, "McAllister, Cynthia" <dewaymc@yahoo.com>, "McClary, Titus" <titus.mcclary@yahoo.com>, "McClendon, Maurice" <moe1083@yahoo.com>, "McCoy, Darwin" <g7prophoto@gmail.com>, "McCoy, Stephanie" <stephaniemccoy06@gmail.com>, "McCray, William" <agcorp88@yahoo.com>, "McDonley, Dashunda" <dashunda@yahoo.com>, "McGhee, LaDonna" <netbusinessdesign@yahoo.com>, "Mcgoneyal, Ralph" <ralph@mcgonegal.net>, "Mckay, Gregory" <gregory.mckay@comcast.net>, "McKenzie, John" <LRSowell@sowellpartners.com>, "McKinney, Renee" <rmcki85542@gmail.com>, "McNealy, Jeffery" <nealyjm@ymail.com>, "Meadows, Sherry" <smeadows717@yahoo.com>, "Michaels, James" <jamesmichael1977@yahoo.com>, "Miles, Francine" <milesfrancine37@yahoo.com>, "Miley, Samuel" <mileydetroit@live.com>, "Millendar, Lakeisha" <lakeishmillender@gmail.com>, "Miller T.W" <twmiller@millerdesignstudio@.net>, "Miller, Arturo" <jazzphone@gmail.com>, "Miller, Daniel" <sausagemandan@yahoo.com>, "Miller, Gary" <gmphoto@att.net>, "Miller, Michico" <Ian0303@live.com>, "Mills, Pamela" <millsp50@yahoo.com>, "Milton, Donald" <themiltoncompany@aol.com>, "Mitchell, Christian" <reocity2@yahoo.com>, "Mitchell, Larry" <larry1104@comcast.net>, "Mitchell, Paul" <paul.mitchell123@comcast.net>, "Mitchell, Valencia" <valencia_Mitchell@att.net>, "Moore, Doris" <edwin_moore@att.net>, "Moore, Faith" <gameplantreats@hotmail.com>, "Moore, James" <onejamo@msn.com>, "Moore, James" <jmoemoney30@yahoo.com>, "Moore, Tonya" <tonyamoore@yahoo.com>, "Morgan, Andrea" <datboydub814@yahoo.com>, "Morgan, Brian" <brian_morgan04@yahoo.com>, "Morgan, David" <affadavid2@gmail.com>, "Morgan, Monica" <mmpdet@aol.com>, "Morris, William" <wmorris724@gmail.com>, "Moss, Michelle" <michelle@boydelldetroit.com>, "Ms. Morgan" <desi_holyfamily@yahoo.com>, "Ms. Walker" <queenronisha@yahoo.com>, Ms1bomar <Ms1bomar@yahoo.com>, "Murchison, Meshun" <truthdiamond78@yahoo.com>

Hello Entrepreneurial Family,


On Wednesday, April 30th from 9:00am to noon, the WCCCD Entrepreneurial Institute will host a workshop by Minetta Hare on:


                          Business Exporting Opportunities


According to Minetta, last year over $55 Billion of goods and services were exported from the metro Detroit.  There are great opportunities for small businesses in 2014. 



U.S. Exports Reach $190.4 Billion in February


Ex-Im Bank Continues to Support U.S. Jobs by Financing U.S. Exports

Washington, D.C. – The United States exported $190.4 billion of goods and services in February 2014, according to data released today by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) of the U.S. Commerce Department.

“The world continues to choose products stamped ‘Made in America,’ as February’s trade numbers show,” said Export-Import Bank Chairman and President Fred P. Hochberg. “Ex-Im Bank’s support of U.S. exporters has helped them seal deals abroad and support vital jobs here at home, all the while generating billions of dollars for taxpayers.”

Exports of goods and services over the last twelve months totaled $2.3 trillion, which is 44.5 percent above the level of exports in 2009, and have been growing at an annualized rate of 9.2 percent when compared to 2009.

During the same time period among the major export markets (i.e., markets with at least $6 billion in annual imports of U.S. goods), the countries with the largest annualized increase in U.S. goods purchases, when compared to 2009, were Panama (23.6 percent), Russia (19.6 percent), Peru (19.4 percent), Hong Kong (18.9 percent), Colombia (17.9 percent), United Arab Emirates (17.1 percent), Argentina (16.4 percent), Chile (16.3 percent), Ecuador (15.2 percent), and Indonesia (15.0 percent).


Ex-Im Bank is an independent federal agency that creates and maintains U.S. jobs by filling gaps in private export financing at no cost to American taxpayers. The Bank provides a variety of financing mechanisms, including working-capital guarantees, export-credit insurance and financing to help foreign buyers purchase U.S. goods and services. In the past fiscal year alone, Ex-Im Bank earned for U.S. taxpayers more than $1 billion above the cost of operations.

In FY 2013, Ex-Im Bank approved more than $27 billion in total authorizations to support an estimated $37.4 billion in U.S. export sales and approximately 205,000 American jobs in communities across the country. For the year, the Bank approved a record 3,413 transactions-- or 89 percent--for small-businesses. Small business exporters can learn about how Ex-Im Bank products can help them increase foreign sales at http://go.usa.gov/ZVTd. For other information about Ex-Im, visit www.exim.gov.




On Thursday, May 1st at 6pm Mr. Gerald Moore from the Small Business Administration (SBA) will join the Entrepreneurial Institute to talk about What the SBA Can Do For You, including:


   SBA tools and resources that are available to help you with your business

   7 Key things you need to do to find a niche and to become an Expert in Your Industry

   Access to Capital


               Counseling Services

   His personal experience as a Successful Entrepreneur



Both workshops will be held in the Eastern Campus Corporate College Cooper Room at no charge.  Light refreshments will be served.


Export Opportunities Wed at 9am

Hello Entrepreneurial Family,


On Wednesday, April 30th from 9:00am to noon, the WCCCD Entrepreneurial Institute will host a workshop by Minetta Hare on:


                      Business Exporting Opportunities


According to Minetta, last year over $55 Billion of goods and services were exported from the metro Detroit.  There are great opportunities for small businesses in 2014. 



U.S. Exports Reach $190.4 Billion in February


Ex-Im Bank Continues to Support U.S. Jobs by Financing U.S. Exports

Washington, D.C. – The United States exported $190.4 billion of goods and services in February 2014, according to data released today by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) of the U.S. Commerce Department.

“The world continues to choose products stamped ‘Made in America,’ as February’s trade numbers show,” said Export-Import Bank Chairman and President Fred P. Hochberg. “Ex-Im Bank’s support of U.S. exporters has helped them seal deals abroad and support vital jobs here at home, all the while generating billions of dollars for taxpayers.”

Exports of goods and services over the last twelve months totaled $2.3 trillion, which is 44.5 percent above the level of exports in 2009, and have been growing at an annualized rate of 9.2 percent when compared to 2009.

During the same time period among the major export markets (i.e., markets with at least $6 billion in annual imports of U.S. goods), the countries with the largest annualized increase in U.S. goods purchases, when compared to 2009, were Panama (23.6 percent), Russia (19.6 percent), Peru (19.4 percent), Hong Kong (18.9 percent), Colombia (17.9 percent), United Arab Emirates (17.1 percent), Argentina (16.4 percent), Chile (16.3 percent), Ecuador (15.2 percent), and Indonesia (15.0 percent).


Ex-Im Bank is an independent federal agency that creates and maintains U.S. jobs by filling gaps in private export financing at no cost to American taxpayers. The Bank provides a variety of financing mechanisms, including working-capital guarantees, export-credit insurance and financing to help foreign buyers purchase U.S. goods and services. In the past fiscal year alone, Ex-Im Bank earned for U.S. taxpayers more than $1 billion above the cost of operations.

In FY 2013, Ex-Im Bank approved more than $27 billion in total authorizations to support an estimated $37.4 billion in U.S. export sales and approximately 205,000 American jobs in communities across the country. For the year, the Bank approved a record 3,413 transactions-- or 89 percent--for small-businesses. Small business exporters can learn about how Ex-Im Bank products can help them increase foreign sales at http://go.usa.gov/ZVTd. For other information about Ex-Im, visit www.exim.gov.




On Thursday, May 1st at 6pm Mr. Gerald Moore from the Small Business Administration (SBA) will join the Entrepreneurial Institute to talk about What the SBA Can Do For You, including:


   SBA tools and resources that are available to help you with your business

   7 Key things you need to do to find a niche and to become an Expert in Your Industry

   Access to Capital


               Counseling Services

   His personal experience as a Successful Entrepreneur



Both workshops will be held in the Eastern Campus Corporate College Cooper Room at no charge.  Light refreshments will be served.


Sunday, 6 April 2014

How to do FaceBook page for your Business

Coaching from 3 pm to 5 pm “Internet Coaching Bring your Questions”

Chris Wechner and Mark Maupin

  • How to get started advertising on the internet?
  • Where do I list my business to get found on the internet?
  • What are some quick ways to make money on the internet?
  • How do I create videos fast?
  • What directory sites should I list my business on?
  • Where should I hire someone to list my business in directory sites?
  • What is affiliate marketing?
  • What do I need to know when I hire someone to build my website? 

5 pm to 6 pm  “How to build FaceBook Page for your Business” Mark Maupin


6 pm to 8:30 pm Main Speaker “Internet Business Basics:

1.       Know your demographic

Preparing to Make Money Online


1.       Understanding the Internet Marketing Process

2.       Pick your niche(Area of Interest)Health, Beauty, Exercise

3.       Pick your product in your niche (Your Own Product, Affiliates Product)

4.       Determine the type of web presence you need (Website, Sqeezepage, SocialPage, all)

5.       Picking a sales and marketing funnel tool ( WordPress, Infusion Soft)

6.       Choose an Marketing  Vehicle(Online, Offline, Paid Adds, Ride the Blogg, SENUKE tool other)

7.       E-mail Marketing Overview (Picking an email service provider) Complying with SPAM Laws

8.       Picking merchant service provider(paypal, )

Event Date:

Thursday, 10th April 2014

Event Start Time:

3:00 PM

Event End Time:

8:30 PM


Wayne County Community College District Eastern Campus, Corporate College at Eastern Campus Cooper Conference Center 5901 Connor Street, Detroit, 48213


How to do FaceBook page for your Business


Coaching from 3 pm to 5 pm “Internet Coaching Bring your Questions”

Chris Wechner and Mark Maupin

  • How to get started advertising on the internet?
  • Where do I list my business to get found on the internet?
  • What are some quick ways to make money on the internet?
  • How do I create videos fast?
  • What directory sites should I list my business on?
  • Where should I hire someone to list my business in directory sites?
  • What is affiliate marketing?
  • What do I need to know when I hire someone to build my website? 

5 pm to 6 pm  “How to build FaceBook Page for your Business” Mark Maupin


6 pm to 8:30 pm Main Speaker “Internet Business Basics:

1.       Know your demographic

Preparing to Make Money Online


1.       Understanding the Internet Marketing Process

2.       Pick your niche(Area of Interest)Health, Beauty, Exercise

3.       Pick your product in your niche (Your Own Product, Affiliates Product)

4.       Determine the type of web presence you need (Website, Sqeezepage, SocialPage, all)

5.       Picking a sales and marketing funnel tool ( WordPress, Infusion Soft)

6.       Choose an Marketing  Vehicle(Online, Offline, Paid Adds, Ride the Blogg, SENUKE tool other)

7.       E-mail Marketing Overview (Picking an email service provider) Complying with SPAM Laws

8.       Picking merchant service provider(paypal, )

Event Date:

Thursday, 10th April 2014

Event Start Time:

3:00 PM

Event End Time:

8:30 PM


Wayne County Community College District Eastern Campus, Corporate College at Eastern Campus Cooper Conference Center 5901 Connor Street, Detroit, 48213



How to do FaceBook page for your Business


Coaching from 3 pm to 5 pm “Internet Coaching Bring your Questions”

Chris Wechner and Mark Maupin

  • How to get started advertising on the internet?
  • Where do I list my business to get found on the internet?
  • What are some quick ways to make money on the internet?
  • How do I create videos fast?
  • What directory sites should I list my business on?
  • Where should I hire someone to list my business in directory sites?
  • What is affiliate marketing?
  • What do I need to know when I hire someone to build my website? 

5 pm to 6 pm  “How to build FaceBook Page for your Business” Mark Maupin


6 pm to 8:30 pm Main Speaker “Internet Business Basics:

1.       Know your demographic

Preparing to Make Money Online


1.       Understanding the Internet Marketing Process

2.       Pick your niche(Area of Interest)Health, Beauty, Exercise

3.       Pick your product in your niche (Your Own Product, Affiliates Product)

4.       Determine the type of web presence you need (Website, Sqeezepage, SocialPage, all)

5.       Picking a sales and marketing funnel tool ( WordPress, Infusion Soft)

6.       Choose an Marketing  Vehicle(Online, Offline, Paid Adds, Ride the Blogg, SENUKE tool other)

7.       E-mail Marketing Overview (Picking an email service provider) Complying with SPAM Laws

8.       Picking merchant service provider(paypal, )

Event Date:

Thursday, 10th April 2014

Event Start Time:

3:00 PM

Event End Time:

8:30 PM


Wayne County Community College District Eastern Campus, Corporate College at Eastern Campus Cooper Conference Center 5901 Connor Street, Detroit, 48213


Saturday, 5 April 2014

Presto 04821 Orville Redenbacher Hot Air Corn Popper Is A Internet Search Favorite

Almost 10,000 people search each month for this specific product on Google.

A new web site has been created for this popular product from National Presto Industries.

One of the reasons this corn popper is so popular is it creates a healthy snack.  By using hot air instead of hot oil to heat the corn kernel, there are no calories added by the cooking process.

Another reason this corn popper is so popular is the few number of un-popped kernels left at the end of the cooking process, making this an efficient and economical corn popper.  It can pop two large bowls of pop corn in less than two and a half minutes.

Also, many people have owned one for years, even decades, and have used it several times a week or even daily, and when the corn popper has finally given up, people say, "I got my money’s worth out of that one; I am getting the same one to replace it. "

Presto first introduced the hot air corn popper in 1978.  The PopCornNow® continuous corn popper was among the first poppers to use hot air instead of hot oil to "explode" kernels into crisp, plump puffs of popcorn.

The new web site has information about this corn popper, as well as, the history of the creation of the corn popper going back to the late 1800s.

Wayne McDonald is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

To learn more about the Presto 04821 Orville Redenbacher Hot Air Corn Popper, visit the specialty site: http://www.presto04821orvilleredenbacherhotaircornpopper.com .

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

Submitted by: Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


Thursday, 3 April 2014

KitchenAid Commercial Mixer Maintains NSF and UL Certification

For the stringent requirements of the commercial market, KitchenAid created the Commercial Series 5 Mixer, and maintains it certifications via regular audits.


One of the stringent requirements for this mixer is that it complies with NSF International (National Sanitation Foundation) Certification.  This certification is internationally recognized in over 80 countries.  NSF has established relationships with the following organizations: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National, State and Local environmental health associations, Conference for Food Protection (CFP), the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA), and World Health Organization (WHO).  The NSF also interacts with the following foodservice industry associations: North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM), the Food Equipment Manufacturers Association (FEMA), the National Restaurant Association (NRA), the Commercial Refrigerator Manufacturers Division (CRMD) of ARI, the European Foodservice Equipment Distributors Association (EFEDA), the European Hygienic Equipment Design Group (EHEDG), and the 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. (3-ASSI).  NSF Certification programs are accredited by: American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Standards Council of Canada (SCC).  KitchenAid’s Commercial Mixer’s continuing compliance with NSF Certification is a sign of their commitment to sanitary food processing equipment.

The KitchenAid Commercial Mixer also has UL (Underwriters Laboratories) Certification.  The UL Certification is accredited by the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), and the Standards Council of Canada (SCC).  The UL Certifications attest to the electrical features of the mixer.

To learn more about the KitchenAid Commercial Mixer, visit the specialty site: 

Wayne McDonald is ongoingly creating Imagine Something Worthy LLC.  He is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

Submitted by Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


KitchenAidR Commercial Mixer Is A Popular Item in Restaurant and Bakery Kitchens.

Almost 700 people a month search online for KitchenAid® Commercial Mixer to find the KitchenAid® Commercial 5 Series Mixer.

KitchenAid® has brought out this mixer specifically for the commercial market.  Unlike other mixers from KitchenAid®, this mixer is only available in one color (gloss white), and that color shows when it needs to be cleaned, but more importantly, when the cleaning is complete.

This stand mixer has a high performance, professional level motor designed to run for many hours a day for many years.  To protect the longevity of the motor, it will shut down when an overload is detected.  This long life span for this piece of equipment is a key decision point for many commercial kitchen owners.

KitchenAid® assembles this mixer with pride in Greenville, Ohio, and has been assembling various mixers there since 1919.

With all the people searching the internet for this product, perhaps it is a sign that some are looking to start a new business or expand an existing one.

Wayne McDonald is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

To learn more about the KitchenAid® Commercial Mixer, visit the specialty site: 

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

This press release submitted by Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


John Wayne Collectables, Especially His Movies, Are In Demand

New web site for John Wayne movie fans has everything from single movies to boxed sets, from DVDs to Blu-Ray.

This new web site has an extensive list of John Wayne movies, spanning most of his lengthy career.  There are single moves, special editions, boxed sets, collector’s editions and more.  Most are available in DVD format, and some are now available in Blu-Ray.

The site also includes an extensive filmography, broken into three sections, 1926 to 1940, 1941 to 1960, and 1961 to 1976, which each section having its own web page.  The filmography includes the year the film was theatrically released, which film (his first, second, third …), the film’s title(s) and the studio that produced the film, his role in the film, the leading lady, the director, and any notes / comments that are relevant.

A reading of the notes in the first filmography (1926 to 1940) shows John’s development from an unbilled extra to a leading man in Hollywood.  It also shows his movement from studio to studio as his career developed.  The second and third filmography contain pieces of information worthy of a Trivial Pursuit game. 

Wayne McDonald is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

To see a list of all the movies available at John Wayne Collectables, visit the specialty site: http://www.johnwaynecollectables.org/.

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

This press release submitted by: Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


Wednesday, 2 April 2014

John Wayne Collectables Fine Tunes Product Offerings For The 2013 Shopping Season

Five new products have been added, and two discontinued for this upcoming shopping season.



2014 John Wayne Calendar


Clinton Township, Michigan – The first of two products that have been discontinued is the Letter and Keys Holder. The second is the Portrait T-Shirt. Lucky the Portrait T-Shirt has been replaced with a new T-Shirt, the True Grit T-Shirt featuring the character of Rooster Cogburn. Once again, another 100 percent cotton comfortable T-Shirt.

The next added product is a new iPhone case featuring The Duke. It is designed to show off the image of John Wayne as well as protect a persons' iPhone. There are sizes for the iPhone 4, 4S, and 5.

For the model truck enthusiast, there is a new military style model truck, with movie images on the tracker trailer and high amounts of detailing of this model truck. This is for collectors, not children, as there are small parts that could pose a choking hazard if broken off the model.

For everyday use, there is a new set of four drink coasters, with each having a different portrait image of the The Duke.

To enrich the mind, there is a new "Glad We Knew You" book, filled with photos and stories about John Wayne from the people that worked and played with him.

There is also two seasonal products that were added just before these products and these are expected to be removed as soon as they are sold out, the 2014 John Wayne Calendar and the Christmas ornament.

Click here to see these exciting collectibles featuring John Wayne: http://www.johnwaynecollectables.com

The John Wayne Collectibles site was created by Imagine Something Worthy LLC.

Wayne McDonald is ongoingly creating Imagine Something Worthy LLC.  He is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

Submitted by: Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


John Wayne Collectables Adds Brand New Products to Its Lineup

Four new products for the John Wayne fan have become available and the website has been updated to handle them.



John Wayne Collectables


Clinton Township, Michigan – The first new product is a DVD collection of over 67 hours of Classic Western Heroes. In the 12 DVDs, charismatic characters are portrayed by John Wayne, Roy Rogers, Clayton Moore, Gabby Hayes, Edgar Buchanan, and many more actors. Some of the movies are in black and white, others are in color.

The second new product is a book about John Wayne covering more than just the characters he portrayed in the movies. In a scrap book style, it covers his time as a football star at USC, his moments with leading actresses and fellow actors, him as a father with his children, and him as a patriot with Presidents and members of the US Armed Forces. The 272 page book is loaded with photos in black and white, as well as, color.

The third and fourth new products are both bobble head figures. One is of him in the character of Roster Cogburn, the drunken, hard-nosed US Marshal in the movie "True Grit." The other is of John as his classic cowboy character. Both bobble heads are six inches tall and boxed for collectors.

There will be additional products added as the 2013 Christmas shopping season approaches.

Click here to see these exciting collectibles featuring John Wayne: http://www.johnwaynecollectables.com/ 

The John Wayne Collectibles site was created by Imagine Something Worthy LLC.

Wayne McDonald is ongoingly creating Imagine Something Worthy LLC.  He is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

Submitted by: Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


John Wayne Collectables Adjusts Its Product Line-up For Upcoming 2012 Sales Season

Two new products for the John Wayne fan have become available, three have been discontinued, and the site has been updated for the upcoming shopping season.

 Clinton Township, Michigan – First, three products have been discontinued at John Wayne Collectables.  The first discontinued product is the Four Disc Legends DVD set. This set included the four films; "Cold Vengeance", "Guns Along The Trail", "Stolen Goods", and "An Innocent Man" in both black and white, and color. Each film also included special bonus features.

The second discontinued product is the "I Never Trust a Man Who Doesn't Drink" T-Shirt. This light gray all cotton T-shirt included a large design on the back and a small design on the chest.

The third discontinued product is the Checkers Set. This wood checkerboard had a subtle image of John Wayne on the board, and sixteen black and white painted checkers with "Duke" painted on each one.

The two new products are both T-Shirts. Both of the shirts are made with 100% cotton.

The first T-Shirt is a dark blue shirt with a large design on the back and a smaller design on the front. It has an inspiring quote: "Give the American people a good cause, and there's nothing they can't lick." 

The second T-Shirt is a dark green shirt with a stylized image of the Duke on the back, and a smaller image on the chest. It has an inspiring quote: "I'm the stuff men are made of."

Click here to see these exciting collectibles featuring John Wayne: http://www.johnwaynecollectables.com/ 

The John Wayne Collectables site was created by Imagine Something Worthy LLC.

Wayne McDonald is ongoingly creating Imagine Something Worthy LLC.  He is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

Submitted by: Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


KitchenAidR Professional 600 Mixer Is The Clydesdale of Home Mixers .

This stand mixer, the KitchenAid® Professional 600 Mixer, is the work horse that makes working in the kitchen a joy.

 The larger size mixing bowl, six quarts, allows for larger batches, and for some recipes, one batch instead of multiple batches.  This mixer also has a feature, Soft Start™, that has it slowly but steadily build up to speed preventing ingredients from being thrown in the air at start up and relieving the cook of attempting to manually monitor and adjust the speed.  Both of these features add to the joy of baking.

This mixer also has a powerful motor capable of handling the thickest of bread dough with the use of the bread hook designed for this mixer.  The high-performance motor is also perfect for the optional ice cream maker accessory, or the grinder.

Wayne McDonald is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

Check out the KitchenAid® Professional 600 Mixer at:  http://www.kitchenaidprofessional600mixer.com/

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

This press release submitted by Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


Tuesday, 1 April 2014

John Wayne Collectables Adjusts Its Product Line-up For Upcoming 2012 Sales Season

Two new products for the John Wayne fan have become available, three have been discontinued, and the site has been updated for the upcoming shopping season.

Clinton Township, Michigan – First, three products have been discontinued at John Wayne Collectables.  The first discontinued product is the Four Disc Legends DVD set. This set included the four films; "Cold Vengeance", "Guns Along The Trail", "Stolen Goods", and "An Innocent Man" in both black and white, and color. Each film also included special bonus features.

The second discontinued product is the "I Never Trust a Man Who Doesn't Drink" T-Shirt. This light gray all cotton T-shirt included a large design on the back and a small design on the chest.

The third discontinued product is the Checkers Set. This wood checkerboard had a subtle image of John Wayne on the board, and sixteen black and white painted checkers with "Duke" painted on each one.

The two new products are both T-Shirts. Both of the shirts are made with 100% cotton.

The first T-Shirt is a dark blue shirt with a large design on the back and a smaller design on the front. It has an inspiring quote: "Give the American people a good cause, and there's nothing they can't lick." 

The second T-Shirt is a dark green shirt with a stylized image of the Duke on the back, and a smaller image on the chest. It has an inspiring quote: "I'm the stuff men are made of."

Click here to see these exciting collectibles featuring John Wayne: http://www.johnwaynecollectables.com/ 

The John Wayne Collectables site was created by Imagine Something Worthy LLC.

Wayne McDonald is ongoingly creating Imagine Something Worthy LLC.  He is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

Submitted by: Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


John Wayne Collectables Adds Nine New Products To Line-up For The 2012 Shopping Season

Nine new products for the John Wayne fan have become available, one discontinued, and the site has been updated for the upcoming shopping season.



2013 John Wayne Calendar


Clinton Township, Michigan – The first of the nine new products is the 2013 John Wayne Wall Calendar. As you can imagine, this will be a limited time product; once gone, customers will need to wait for the 2014 replacement.

The second new product is a John Wayne on Horseback Fleece Blanket. This polyester fleece blanket has a silhouette of "The Duke" on his horse while on a mountain trail.

The third is a Twin Bell Alarm Clock, with a similar image of "The Duke" as on the blanket used on the dial face of the clock.

Fourth is a set of John Wayne License Plates, each pre-drilled for mounting on your car or truck. Each has an image of John in his favorite cowboy clothing.

The fifth is a John Wayne Toothpick Dispenser, with an image of The Duke on the front, the back and the sides.

The sixth is a folding Campsports chair. It includes a cup holder in the arm rest and a storage sleeve for between uses.

The seventh new product is a set of Hero Ornaments, one of him as a cowboy and one as a soldier.

Eighth is a Double Wall Ceramic Travel Mug. It has two images of John Wayne and is dishwasher and microwave safe.

Lastly, a new DVD set of four movies, each remastered in both bland and white, and in color.

Unfortunately, the coat rack has been discontinued from the product line.

To see these exciting products for John Wayne Collectibles, visit: http://www.johnwaynecollectables.com/ 

The John Wayne Collectables site was created by Imagine Something Worthy LLC.

Wayne McDonald is ongoingly creating Imagine Something Worthy LLC.  He is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

This press release submitted by Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


John Wayne Collectables Adds New Products to Line-up

Two new products for the John Wayne fan have become available and have been added to this John Wayne Collectables site.



John Wayne Coat Rack


Clinton Township, Michigan – The first product is a wall mounted coat rack, with The Dukes portrait at the top center of the coat rack, in a circle of decorative rope detailing. The rack is made of wood with three cast iron hooks, and also has rope detailing around the outer edge of the wood portion. There is an engraving of "A man's got to do what a man's got to do" in the center of the wood support.

The second product is a new T-shirt with a classic John Wayne phrase of "I never trust a man who doesn't drink".  It is in light grey and 100% cotton.  It has a large design on the back and a small design on the chest. It is available in large, extra large, and double extra large.

Unfortunately, three products have also been discontinued. The first discontinued product is the John Wayne Western Lamp.  The second is the John Wayne Monopoly game.  The third is the Playing Card Set that came with a storage tin for the cards.

To see these exciting products for John Wayne Collectibles, visit the specialty web site: http://www.johnwaynecollectables.com/ 

The John Wayne Collectables site was created by Imagine Something Worthy LLC.

Wayne McDonald is ongoingly creating Imagine Something Worthy LLC.  He is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

This press release submitted by Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


John Wayne Monopoly Is Now Available at John Wayne Collectables

The classic board game Monopoly has been redone into a John Wayne edition and is now available from John Wayne Collectables.



John Wayne Monopoly Game


Clinton Township, Michigan -- Monopoly is a board game published by Parker Brothers, a subsidiary of Hasbro. The game is named after the economic concept of monopoly, the domination of a market by a single entity.

Monopoly is a redesign of an earlier game "The Landlord's Game", first published by the Quaker and political activist Elizabeth Magie. The purpose of that game was to teach people how monopolies end up bankrupting the many and giving extraordinary wealth to one or few individuals.

The history of Monopoly can be traced back to 1903, when a Quaker woman named Elizabeth (Lizzie) J. Magie Phillips created a game through which she hoped to be able to explain the single tax theory of Henry George (it was intended to illustrate the negative aspects of concentrating land in private monopolies). Her game, The Landlord's Game, was commercially published in 1924.

Like other special editions of Monopoly, this edition contains game tokens that fit the theme, in this case, a cowboy hat, a belt buckle, a cowboy boot, "Duke" the dog, John Wayne's directors' chair and a stagecoach.  The game board also has properties that were important to John Wayne in his personal and professional life.

To learn more about John Wayne Monopoly and other John Wayne Collectables, visit the specialty web site: http://www.johnwaynecollectables.com/ 

Wayne McDonald is ongoingly creating Imagine Something Worthy LLC.  He is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

Submitted by Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


John Wayne Collectables Expands to Meet Growing Demand

This relatively new web site has just added seven new John Wayne themed collectable products to its current line-up.

The first two added products are seasonal and will not be available long, a 2011 calendar and a Christmas ornament.

The third added product is a new figurine display called the Sunset Rider.  Behind the hand-sculpted resin figure is a display with a blazing western sky, a portrait of "The Duke", and an image of John Wayne riding his horse.  The border of the display is crafted to look like stone.

The fourth new item is a set of four glasses, six inches high, and each glass holding ten ounces.  This set has two designs, each with a portrait of John Wayne on the front, and a quote on the back.  These are dishwasher safe.

The fifth added item is an imported fleece throw.  It is 100% polyester, machine wash and dry, and has a full size picture of The Duke riding on his horse.

The sixth and seventh added products are T-shirts.  They are both are 100% cotton, the first in brown with a portrait of John Wayne as a cowboy, and the second in black with a portrait and a John Wayne quote.

To see these exciting products for John Wayne Collectables, visit the specialty web site: http://www.johnwaynecollectables.com/ 

The John Wayne Collectables site was created by Imagine Something Worthy LLC.

Wayne McDonald is ongoingly creating Imagine Something Worthy LLC.  He is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

This press release submitted by Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


John Wayne Collectables Are Still In Demand From Fans

New web site for John Wayne collectables has a variety of items for the John Wayne fan.


This new web site has several John Wayne and John Wayne movie themed items, ranging from a figure of him as one of his western characters, to items for daily use such as coffee mugs and beer steins, to wearable items such as caps and T-shirts with slogans.

The site also has background information about John Wayne, covering his rise from a film actor to that of a military and American idol.  In the middle of his career, he was able to select the roles he wanted to maintain and grow his off-screen image.  As his stature as an idol grew, he was able to maintain control of his image, including having sections of scripts rewritten to be congruent with that image.

The site also has descriptions of military equipment that have the John Wayne name associated to them, sometimes as a tribute to the equipment’s strengths, sometimes to the equipment’s weaknesses.

There is also a section describing various public locations named in memory of John Wayne, including airports, parks, public schools, trails, and more. 

Wayne McDonald is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

His favorite John Wayne Collectables web site is: http://www.johnwaynecollectables.com/.

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

This press release submitted by Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.


Monday, 31 March 2014

KitchenAid Pink Mixer Is An Extremely Popular Item With Home Cooks

Almost 500 people a month search Google for KitchenAid Pink Mixer to find this specific product, and a new web site has been created to meet the demand.


The new web site features only the KitchenAid Pink Mixer.  It includes information about the features and benefits of this mixer, model number KSM150PSPK.  The site also has several reviews of the mixer (part of KitchenAid’s Artisan line) and some historical information of the development of mixers.

The KitchenAid Pink Mixer was created to be part of the Cook for the Cure presented by KitchenAid campaign.  This campaign was created in 2001 to give passionate cooks a way to support the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.  The purchase and registration of a Pink KitchenAid Mixer generates a $50 donation to the campaign.  Since its founding, the Cook for the Cure campaign has raised more than $7 million through donation-with-purchase programs, special fundraising events, auctions and grass roots initiatives.  During 2010, KitchenAid is proud to donate a minimum of $350,000 the campaign in conjunction with its pink product collection.  For 2009, KitchenAid donated in excess of $550,000.

To learn more about the KitchenAid Pink Mixer, visit the specialty site: http://www.kitchenaidpinkmixer.com/.

Imagine Something Worthy LLC is being ongoingly created by Wayne McDonald.  Wayne McDonald is a former Chrysler employee, current real estate investor, and a member of the local Internet Marketing Club.  He is using what he is learning at the local Internet Marketing Club to build sites for himself and others.  He is continuing to construct and market an online vitamin store, a real estate site for himself and fellow investors, and new Internet marketing affiliate sites.

Wayne McDonald
Imagine Something Worthy, LLC
42211 Garfield Road, PMB 123
Clinton Township, Michigan 48038

This press release submitted by Imagine Something Worthy, LLC.